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Innovative pig farm Cerdos Delux (Piensos Costas Group)!
Interesting report about Cerdos Delux, an innovative pig farm which is part of the Piensos Group, near Zaragoza in Spain.
Compident Simultan Feeding System - Product Video
Electronic sow feeding for variable, fixed or dynamic sow groups - WATCH VIDEO NOW!
Sow breeding stable (Family Kofoed - Denmark)!
Less emissions in pig farming and mor animal welfare - Innovative systems for excellent results - WATCH VIDEO NOW!
Strohmatic Littering System (Glaß family - Germany)!
Strohmatic bedding system for species-appropriate animal husbandry - Watch Video now!
Kruisem Farm in Flanders!
A large and professional sow-farm with highly integrated sustainability and animal welfare - INFORM NOW!
Product video Strohmatic Air!
Interesting product video of our Strohmatic Air littering system - WATCH VIDEO NOW!
Modern insect breeding system
Innovation, experience and competence for your insect feeding - INFORM AND INQUIRE NOW!
Animal welfare barn for pig fattening
Interesting farm report at the Bauer family in Peuerbach, Austria
NatureLine organic pig house for breeding and fattening!
Interesting company report at the Seiser family in Termitz, Austria
Liquid feeding and fermenting for top daily gains and top feed conversion!
Interesting company report at the Kirmaier family in bavaria, Germany
Strohmatic Light 80 straw bedding system (Fam. Holzinger, Austria)
Interesting product presentation at the Holzinger farm in austria - VIEW VIDEO NOW!
ENRO plus manure removal robot!
Interesting company report from the Seidl family in Raab, Austria - INFORM NOW!
Goat feeding with the Feedo feeding belt!
Interesting product presentation at the Walchshofer family in Lichtenberg, Austria - INFORM NOW!
Modern sow breeding stable!
Interesting company report at the family Kofoed in Bornholm, Denmark - INFORM NOW!
University of Helsinki and Firma Atria about BeFree farrowing
BeFree showed best results in grow and development of piglets as lowest crushing rate of piglets with free farrowing, but could also meet or even…