Welcom to our team!

Find your dream job in the environment of an internationally successful, Upper Austrian family business in the field of animal husbandry. A high level of personal responsibility, your drive and ambition to actively participate in the success of the company, will open the doors of your career

Here is your best job!

We make you curious! Please send us your application the range of jobs and opportunities in our company is great! You can expect a collegial working atmosphere and openness. We are especially proud of the length of service of our employees! Using your expertise, igniting enthusiasm in teamwork, performance for the pleasure of success corresponds to your nature? We are looking forward to you working with us!



We look forward to your Application!

Schauer Agrotronic GmbH,
 Dept. Human Resources
Passauer Straße 1, A-4731 Prambachkirchen, Austria
oder an personal@schauer-agrotronic.com
