Our long experience focuses entirely on the well-being of dairy cows, calves and bulls. Stabling, feeding, ventilation and manure removal solutions are all animal friendly, functional and labor saving. Health and performance of your animals will follow automatically!
A cattle enterprise to make you proud
The efficiency of your work and the functionality of the cattle shed are the basis for success and health of both animals and humans. Make the right decision with us:
- 70 years of experience with cattle shed facilities make our concepts profitable!
- No matter what size, we know how! From the family business in Austria to the major project in Europe
- Robust livestock facilities: functionality and longevity of feeding grids, cubicles, telescopic grids and accessories
- Emissions lowered by modern slatted floors and low-emission walkway slabs,
- Intelligent manure removal systems and safe bedding systems for straw facilitate clean hooves
- Automatic feeding systems increase feed intake - healthier animals and productive cows with less wor

ENRO manure robots
Easy to use and labour-saving, sparing valuable time.

FARO feed pushing robot
FARO combines all possible advantages "all in one"
Video: Transfeed
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