Climate control in the pig house
A healthy climate requires more than fresh air. Are you worried about energy consumption, emissions, animal health and legislation? We too - and we have many ideas for you!
Creating a good climate
The environmental control system in pig houses include
- Ventilation
- Cooling System
- Heating System
The set up depends on
- Regional climatic conditions
- Type of Animal Husbandry: Conventional, Animal Welfare, Bio and Organic
- Genetics of pigs
- Age and group size
- Legal regulations
We know all the influencing factors and help you create a perfect climate for yield and animal health!
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A good barn climate determines a lot about the health and performance of pigs in the barn and thus also about the energy use and therefore the profitability in pig production. Our modern ventilation, cooling and heating systems incorporate the regional climatic conditions over the course of the year, as well as the different demands of pigs according to age and group size. The success in the implementation starts with the competent planning, the high-quality components in the air conditioning control of the ventilation and the air duct.
Climate computers, which allow the frequency-controlled operation of the exhaust systems, as well as energy recovery systems, which think in cycles and minimize the necessary use of external energy sources, at the same time protect the environment and improve the efficiency in pig production. Optionally, the monitoring and evaluation of the climate data via internet-based management software is possible
We proritize the plannung of resource-saving and low-emission pig housing units: NatureLine ist our low-emission animal welfare concept. If regional, social or legal regulations require the use of air washers or biofilters, such systems can also be used to ensure the continued existence of pig production on the site.

Liquimix: modern and efficient

Pig stable
More successful with professional and animal friendly pig farming

Nature Line
Because the welfare of animals is important for us!
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