Attention climate change! Ever longer periods of heat require the use of modern cooling systems. Avoid expensive performance losses due to reduced feed intake!
Show heat stress the cold shoulder!
Modern and inexpensive, our systems:
- Cool Pad Systems
- Cooling and conditioning of the air supply
- Cooling the air by up to 10 ° C
- High-pressure atomization
-for large barns
-Cooling effect can reach up to 10 ° C
- „Cool and Move“
- Low pressure cooling system, cost-effective with 4 ° C cooling effect
- Underground storage tank
- Heating and cooling in one
- avoiding day / night fluctuations
- minimum maintenance
Why is cooling so important?

It is a fact that summers are having continuously longer periods of heat, even in cooler climates. In order to avoid expensive performance dips due to reduced feed intake, a supply air cooling system should be planned for in an efficient pig breeding stable. Stationary or mobile cooling systems defuse the heat stress by reducing the room temperature by 5 to 8 ° C and thus significantly improve animal welfare, animal health and animal performance in pig production.

Liquimix: modern and efficient

Pig stable
More successful with professional and animal friendly pig farming

Nature Line
Because the welfare of animals is important for us!
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