Slurry technology and manure removal
Slurry technology and manure removal
Our modern slurry technology and manure removal systems not only clear manure from the barn, but also reduce emissions. Schauer offers a wide range of manure removal systems as well as manure systems for pumping and stirring and separating manure. We have the clean solution!
Requirements have risen sharply!
To clear Solid and liquid manure from the stable with as LITTLE effort as possible!
We offer you MORE:
- Clean and dry running surfaces
- High performance top quality systems
- Conservation of the environment and resources
- Encounter with authorities & laws
- Match your husbandry method- conventional, animal welfare, organic
We can meet all requirements - for hydraulic or mechanical manure removal or for slurry technology for pumping, stirring and seperating.

Pig stable
More successful with professional and animal friendly pig farming

Nature Line
Because the welfare of animals is important for us!
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