Prefabricated barn
Modular barn building creates a comfortable working environment without taking up your time with maintenance. With our partners wi can build a barn to meet any need.
Carefully considered and functional
We offer the following options:
- Builders' barns with local partners
- Duo ModulSystem pig barn WOLFsystem in Austria
- Prefabricated barn with FARMBAU construction in southern Germany
New in our portfolio:
- BIO WelCon modul prefab barn - we are happy to advise you! More information under Natureline Animal welfare
The stable concept, which has been thought through down to the last detail, is prefabricated at a calculated total cost for the main components and can be installed in the shortest possible time on the construction site. On request, the assembly of the livestock facilities can also be made turnkey or on site with a master of assembly directing the construction.

Because the welfare of animals is important for us!

Nature Line
Because the welfare of animals is important for us!
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