When planning your stable, we pay special attention to your ventilation! It will positively affect your whole operation!
Ventilate and save energy
How to save you 50% of the energy costs of your ventilation:
- Frequency-controlled fans
- Use of cooling systems for the supply air
- Energy recovery from the exhaust air
Proper ventilation planning means saving energy!
Proper ventilation planning is crucial for your approval process!
New and strong: the hose ventilation
Consistent fresh air supply, energy-efficient cooling, avoidance of germ formation and harmful gases.
Climate control computer and ventilation

The needs-based design of the supply air duct depending on the different pig groups at the plant lays the foundation for healthy and efficient animals. Due to Schauer Agrotronic's worldwide presence and the associated experience, Schauer can draw from the full range of high-quality products for ventilation technology. Climate computers for the centralized or decentralized control of the fans and heaters are characterized by a particularly user-friendliness. Used in conjunction with the Schauer FarmManager, information for the adaptation of the ventilation setting can be obtained by analyzing long-term recordings of the temperature profiles.

Liquimix: modern and efficient

Pig stable
More successful with professional and animal friendly pig farming

Nature Line
Because the welfare of animals is important for us!
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