Our sophisticated pig house concept, successfully used worldwide, allows you to combine increased yield, efficiency and safety with love for your job and your livestock. Achieve your goals with Schauer Agrotronic!
Perfect Farming Systems
As a complete outfitter we offer you everything from a single source - planning, product variety and flexibility as well as reliable service worldwide for decades to come. You can count on us! We implement your project quickly, successfully and safely:
- Pig feeding systems
- Slurry technology and manure removal
- Pig housing systems
- NatureLine and animal welfare
- Climate control in the pig house
- Automatic straw spreading and distribution
- Feeding Software

Pig stable
We have 70 years of experience in building robust and innovative stable technology.

Happy Pig: Hütthaler
Many suppliers of the Hütthaler quality label choose Schauer NatureLine stables. One of them is the family Pamminger in Upper Austria.