Liquimix OperationScan 4.0
Automatic system and wear monitoring for liquid feeding systems
Liquimix OperationScan 4.0 - Automatic system and wear monitoring for liquid feeding systems
In order to guarantee an optimal and permanent function of the liquid feeding system, it is necessary to always know about the current technical status of the entire feeding system. Only in this way the replacement of worn system parts can be planned in advance and carried out in good time before the system comes to an unintended shutdown due to wear out problems.
With the Liquimix OperationScan, deviating or worn system parts such as feeding station diaphragms, pump rotors, pump housings or leaks in the compressed air installation are automatically monitored and will be immediately reported. The data are recoreded locally and are available in real time via alarm system. You always will have everything under control and quick and uncomplicated treatment by the professional customer service is guaranteed.
More information about Liquimix Liquidfeeding