Strohmatic Light 80 straw bedding system
Holzinger family's animal welfare fattening house (austria)
The innovative bedding system with automatic distribution for species-appropriate pig farming!
Strohmatic light 80, the innovation for mulched and short cut straw!
Herbert and Anita Holzinger from Upper Austria decided to fatten the piglets from their small pig farm with 60 sows themselves and built an animal welfare fattening barn for 460 places with a littered lying area in 2020. The fattening pigs are marketed through the Upper Austrian marketing partner Gourmetfein. The barn worked quite well from the beginning, only to reduce the additional workload of manual bedding and the nevertheless noticeable dust pollution, a solution was sought and found at Schauer Agrotronic with the new Strohmatic Light.
Strohmatic Light - The automatic bedding system from SCHAUER Agrotronic makes work easier in the Holzinger family's animal welfare fattening barn!
The possibility of using straw already mulched or cut short from the field saves energy costs. The best comes at the end. Thanks to the simplified technology, the Strohmatic Light can also save a lot of money on investment costs.
Conclusion: More animal welfare with straw management with little labor and reduced costs. Now, in many places, the investment is also supported with an investment subsidy. Ask us for your offer.
Strohmatic light 80 for species-appropriate pig housing with minimum labor input & maximum time savings:
- Less dust pollution & healthier barn climate.
- Automatic dust removal for improved animal health and better barn hygiene
- Inexpensive, efficient and automatic straw distribution throughout the barn
- Available with a pipe diameter of 80 mm or 200 mm to suit your farm
If you have any questions or are interested in our Strohmatic Light 80 for efficient and species-appropriate pig farming, please contact us.